Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia - Curug (STPI Curug)

STPI Curug is one of the college official who is under the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. STPI Curug Legok district located in Tangerang Regency Kewedanaan Curug Banten Province.

STPI Curug has duties and functions to educate the nation's best sons and daughters of Indonesia to be a human resources expert and skilled in the field of aviation, which is recognized nationally and internationally.

In carrying out its duties and functions Curug STPI has 4 (four) department of education, the Department of Aviation, Department of Aviation, Aviation Safety Department and the Department of Aviation Management. Every department of education is divided into several courses in accordance with the interests and talents education and training participants.

The curriculum and syllabus of education and training conducted by STPI Curug mangacu on national standards (Ministry of National Education) and international (International Civil Aviation Organization = ICAO), which is expected of each graduate STPI Curug able to compete both domestically and abroad.
Patterns of education and training for each student, referring to the pattern of academic education, physical, mental and discipline. Thus required for each student to live in the dormitory during the training took place under the supervision of mentors.

Pilot / pilot
Educate and train cadets become pilots qualified Commercial Pilot License (CPL), Multy Engine (ME) and Instrument Rating (IR).

Consists of 3 Study Program:
a. Study Programs Fixed wing pilots
b. Wing Aviation Studies Program Play
c. Study Program Flight Operation Officer

Contact :

Detailed information on Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia - Curug (STPI Curug) , please contact us at the address:

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia - Curug (STPI Curug)

Jl. Raya PLP Curug Tangerang
PO Box 509 TNG Tangerang 15,001
Tel. 021-5982204/05
Fax. 021-5982234

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